How To Stop Feeling Overwhelmed & Get Clear On Your Future

The other day I was looking through some of my client meeting notes and one words kept appearing: OVERWHELMED. Time blocking is such a powerful technique to be productive and stop feeling overwhelmed. Learning how to say NO is really very important because there always comes a point in the online world when you will feel like running away from it all, it will get so hot and is good to be firm in every online decisions you make.

I struggle to remember, track, prioritise, and follow up all the small tasks associated with running a small business, and I get flustered and overwhelmed. The secret to shutting down feelings of overwhelming anxiety is to turn off your brain for at least half an hour a day.

I noticed that when I start to feel overwhelmed, I go to great lengths to check off ‘just one more thing' from my to-do list. I call this short list your internet marketing Now Tasks list. It's easy to get overwhelmed with all the steps to plan, create, promote and market you online course, but it doesn't have to be that way.

A problem many people have when they get overwhelmed by work is that this takes physical form in the chaos that their workspace becomes After all, when you're stressed, the last thing you might care about is whether your desk is a mess, but actually this is very important because a cluttered workspace actually increases your stress, anxiety and emotional exhaustion, so make that time to tidy up.

Putting important tasks off will only contribute to feeling overwhelmed. You might be mentally juggling a long list of tasks or you may have negative thoughts spinning around in your head. As surely as the sun rises each morning, the more I add to the list, the more overwhelmed I feel.

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